Facial Hair Removal

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To permanently remove the hair follicle, you have to be able to destroy the base of the follicle,
which is where hair the hair gets its blood supply and ability to regenerate.”
And to achieve that, you need some energy-based treatment, such as lasers or IPL.

Unlike hair on the other body parts, facial hair are quite visible, and can make or break your look. If you find it tedious to visit a salon every few weeks, here are some simple and effective home remedies to remove your facial hair naturally.
Although home remedies are generally perceived to be the easiest and safest option, there is no evidence that home remedies for hair removal can provide a permanent or even long-lasting solution for unwanted hair. Because facial hair is a normal biological occurrence, most methods do not remove hair permanently. Even laser hair removal cannot permanently remove hair from a woman’s face. The only advanced technique for hair removal that can permanently remove facial hair is electrolysis. Electrolysis involves using an electric current to permanently destroy the > hair follicle. If you have excessive facial hair growth, you must consult your doctor
A few home remedies ladies like.
1. Sugar and Lemon Juice





All you need to do is mix two tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, along with 8-9 tablespoons of water. Heat this mixture until bubbles start to appear and then, let it cool.
Apply it on the affected areas using a spatula and keep it for about 20-25 minutes. Wash it off with cold water, rubbing in circular motion.
Wondering how it works? Well, sugar is a natural exfoliating agent, and warm sugar sticks to your hair, not skin. Lemon juice works as a natural (and cheap) bleach for the skin hair, and also helps to lighten the skin tone. Say bye to the painful facial waxing!
2. Lemon and Honey
This is another method to replace waxing. Start with mixing two tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, and one tablespoon of honey. Heat the mixture for about three minutes and add water to make the mixture thinner, if required.
Once the paste cools down, apply cornstarch on the affected areas and spread the paste in the direction of hair growth. Next, use a waxing strip or a cotton cloth, and pull the hair out in the opposite direction of growth.Honey helps in moisturizing the skin, and hence this method is highly recommended if you have dry skin.

3. Oatmeal and Banana





This method is quite handy. Blend two tablespoons of oatmeal with a ripe banana, and apply this paste on the affected areas. Massage it for 15 minutes, and wash it off with cool water.
Oatmeal makes a great, hydrating scrub and is loaded with antioxidants that helps to remove redness from your skin. Apart from removing your facial hair, this paste will also give you a glowing skin.

4. Potato and Lentil
Mix a tablespoon of honey, lemon juice each with five tablespoons of potato juice. Meanwhile, grind the lentils (soaked overnight) to a smooth paste. Add all the ingredients and apply the mixture for about 20 minutes on the affected area. Wash it off once it is completely dry.
This paste makes a thin crust that helps in hair removal. Plus, potato helps in bleaching the hair, making them less visible.

5. Egg White and Cornstarch





Mix a tablespoon each of cornstarch and sugar with egg white. Apply this mixture on the areas where you have unwanted hair and peel it off once it is dry. Quite simple, isn’t it?
Egg white is sticky, and forms a thin film on skin when combined with sugar and cornstarch. This method is not suitable for acne prone skin as egg white contains Vitamin A which may lead to breakouts.

Facial hair has always been a concern for women. Some women have very dense facial hair (hirsutism), which may be due to genetic or hormonal conditions. Whatever  the reason, most women are bothered by unwanted facial hair and look for permanent options to get rid of it.

Some of the methods that you can try for facial hair removal at home include

Honey & Sugar





  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of water


  1. Put the sugar into a bowl and add honey and water to it.
  2. Place the mixture in the microwave for about 30 seconds until the sugar dissolves and mixes with the liquids.


  1. Apply the paste to the parts of your face with unwanted hair.
  2. Place a strip of cloth over the applied mixture and let it cool for a couple of seconds.
  3. Pull the strip in the opposite direction in which your hair is growing.

Repeat: as often as needed.

Results: This peel-off mask removes all unwanted hair instantly and perfectly exfoliates dead skin cells.

Suitable for: all skin types

Gelatin + milk


  • 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin powder
  • 3 tablespoons of whole milk
  • A few drops of lemon juice


  1. In a bowl, mix gelatin with milk and lemon juice.
  2. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.


  1. After you remove the mixture from the microwave, let it cool off for a few seconds, then apply it directly to your face.
  2. Let the mask sit on your face for 5 minutes, then peel it off with your fingers.

Repeat: as often as needed.

Results: The mask is extremely sticky and is able to peel off all the unwanted hairs instantly. It can also help you to get rid of blackheads and dead skin cells.

Suitable for: all skin types except sensitive and acne-prone ones

  • Depilatory creams: These creams can remove facial hair without causing any >pain. You need to apply them to the target area and wipe them off after a few minutes to remove the hair. These creams can cause skin irritation in some people. Thus, you must try them on a small area of your skin such as the back of the ear to check for skin sensitivity before using them.
  • Prescription medications: These medications retard the growth of new hair. They contain the substance eflornithine hydrochloride. You can consult a board-certified dermatologist to get this prescription medication.


How It Works

Essentially, electrolysis works by disrupting all hair growth, says Thurman: “The process works by inserting a fine probe into the skin. It uses shortwave radio or direct current in hair follicles to stop new hair from growing. This procedure damages your hair follicles to prevent growth and causes existing hairs to fall out.”

Three types of Electrolysis galvanic (which chemically dissolves the follice), thermolysis (which uses localized heat), and blend (which utilizes both methods). And while some at-home epilators claim to provide similar results to a professional-grade product, “they aren’t as effective or permanent

Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body. … Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, including the eyebrows, face, abdom
Electrolysis can permanently remove hair follicles. Electrolysis involves passing an electrical current through a hair follicle, which damages the follicle and prevents new hair growth. Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal available. There are generally no permanent side effects, but sometimes a temporary, slight reddening of the skin may occur

Essentially, electrolysis works by disrupting all hair growth, says Thurman: “The process works by inserting a fine probe into the skin. It uses shortwave radio or direct current in hair follicles to stop new hair from growing. This procedure damages your hair follicles to prevent growth and causes existing hairs to fall out.”

Three types of Electrolysis

galvanic (which chemically dissolves the follice), thermolysis (which uses localized heat), and blend (which utilizes both methods). And while some at-home epilators claim to provide similar results to a professional-grade product, “they aren’t as effective or permanent

Another way to remove unwanted hair

Laser hair removal uses mild radiation via high-heat lasers. The purpose is to damage hair follicles enough to significantly slow down hair growth. Although the effects last longer than home hair removal methods, such as shaving, laser therapy doesn’t create permanent results. You’ll have to receive multiple treatments for long-term hair removal.


Laser hair removal may be done just about anywhere on the face and body, except your eye area. This makes the procedure versatile in its uses.

There is also little-to-no recovery time involved. You can resume your normal activities after each procedure.

Although new hairs may still grow, you’ll notice that they grow in finer and lighter in color than before. This means that when there is regrowth it won’t look as heavy as before.

This procedure tends to work best if you have both fair skin and dark hair.

Side effects and risks

Side effects of laser hair removal may include:

  • blisters
  • inflammation
  • swelling
  • irritation
  • pigmentation changes (usually light patches on darker skin)
  • redness
  • swelling

Minor side effects like irritation and redness tend to go away within a few hours of the procedure. Any symptoms that last longer than that ought to be addressed with your doctor.

Scars and changes to skin texture are rare side effects.

You can minimize the risk of side effects and permanent skin damage by making sure you seek treatment from a board-certified dermatologist only. Salons and at-home laser removal aren’t recommended.

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