Chicken Breeds Facts. Eggs laying, cold hardy, temperament And More

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The number of eggs a chicken produces can


based on factors such as age, season, and diet

You can eat any chicken.

Some take too long to mature and just aren’t meaty. Look at our Broiler chickens.

Color eggs Layers        Best Laying hens        Broiler Chickens


To Harvest any young or old chicken for food, Feel there weight,

 Used for: Color Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:

Egg Color:  Blue eggs some Green eggs

Temperament: friendly, curious

Ready to Lay Eggs: Between 22 to 26 weeks

Is Ameraucana Broody: Yes, broody, and they make very attentive mothers.

Lifespan of Ameraucana:  7 – 8 yrs

Broodiness refers to the instinct of hens to sit on their eggs to hatch chicks

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class: Medium Fowl
Best for, Cold hardy, Both warm, cold


 Used for:  Meat- Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:

Egg Color: Ivory white to light tinted

Temperament: Friendly

Ready to Lay Eggs: Between 12 weeks

Is Altsteirer Broody: No, rarely go broody.

Lifespan ofAltsteirer6 to 9 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for, Cold hardy, Both warm, cold.


 Used for:  Meat- Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:
200 plus year

Egg Color:  Large White

Temperament: Skittish, Highly Active

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks

Is Ancona Broody: No, rarely go broody

Lifespan of Ancona: up to 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for, Warm area because of comb.


 Used for:  Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 

Egg Color:  Medium to Large Chalk-White 

Temperament:  Friendly, Active

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-24 weeks

Is Andalusian Broody: No, rarely go broody

Lifespan of Andalusian: 5 to 8 year

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for, Warm area Not cold hardy

Appenzeller Hen

 Used for:  Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  

Egg Color:    Medium White 

Temperament: Active, alert, like to roost in trees,

Appenzeller are Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks plus

Is Appenzeller Broody: Yes, moderately broody

Lifespan of Appenzeller: 5 to 8 year

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Medium Fowl
Best for, Cold Hardy

Ayam Cemani

 Used for:   Meat, Eggs, Exhibition
Yearly Egg Production:  

Ayam Cemani are Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks plus

Is Ayam Cemani Broody: Yes, moderately broody

Lifespan of Ayam Cemani: 6- 8 years

Egg Color:    Medium Tan to Cream color

Temperament: Friendly, Indifferent, Assertive

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
medium fowl
Best for, Hardiness
: All Temps

Due galline di varietà Araucana

 Used for:   Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 

Egg Color:    Green to Blue Egg.

Temperament: Energetic yet friendly by nature

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks some 58 weeks

Is Araucana Broody: Yes they are good mothers

Lifespan of Araucana :  5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Medium size fowl
Best for, Hardiness
: All


 Used for:   Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 

Egg Color: Medium to Large  Chalk-White

Temperament: Active

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 plus weeks

Is Andalusian Broody: No, rarely go broody

Lifespan of Andalusian: 5 to 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Both large fowl and bantams
Best for,
 Not cold hardy

Asil (Aseel)

 Used for:  Meat,  Exhibition
Yearly Egg Production:   5-70

Egg Color:    cream-colored to brownish
Egg Sizes,: Medium

Temperament: friendly, very tame and trusting towards humans.

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-24 weeks

Is Asil (Aseel) Broody: Yes, broody occasionally depend on hen.

Lifespan of Asil (Aseel):  8-10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for, Hardiness
: Adapted to survive in harsh environments

 Useful knowledge: Once used for cock-fighting, they have a desire to fight that has been bred into them for over 2000 years.

Asil chickens are friendly when they are kept apart from other roosters. But you should not keep many roosters together, because they will fight until death.

Hens can sometimes be kept together but have to be watched closely in case of fighting


 Used for:   Eggs, Exhibition
Yearly Egg Production:  220 eggs

Egg Color:  White
Egg Size:   Medium

Temperament: active, playful, talkative, Alert, quick, and very flighty, they are highly active and noisy birds.

 Ancona Ready to Lay Eggs: 16 weeks

Is  Ancona Broody: No, don’t get broody

Life span of Ancona: 8 years or more

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for, Hardiness
Ancona are Hardy in cold weather

Ancona  breed has many similarities to Leghorn chickens

Austra White

 Used for: Eggs, Exhibition
Yearly Egg Production:  250 -290 eggs

Egg Color:  Cream White to Light Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament: Docile

Ready to Lay Eggs: 12 weeks

Is Austra White Broody: Not strong broody

Lifespan of Austra White: 6-10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for, Heat and cold hardy

Austra Whites is cross between a Black Australorp rooster and a White Leghorn hen


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production: 
one hen laid 364 eggs in 365 days!

Egg Color:  Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:  docile and friendly personality

Ready to Lay Eggs: 22-24 weeks old

Is Australorp Broody: occasionally go broody

Lifespan of Australorp: 6 to 10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for, Australorp can withstand cold winter temperatures easily

Portrait of a double-laced Barnevelder hen. Colour, horizontal against a dark background, lots of copy space.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  180-200

Egg Color:  Brown
Egg Size:  Medium-large

Temperament:  gorgeous, docile

Ready to Lay Eggs: 32-40 weeks old

Is Barnevelder Broody: Some strains yes some no

Lifespan of Barnevelder: 6 to 12 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Medium Fowl
Best for

Bearded d’Uccle

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   180 to 280 eggs

Egg Color: Cream
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Docile, Alert

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-21 weeks

Is Bearded d’Uccle Broody: fantastic broody hens

Lifespan of Bearded d’Uccle: 5 years and longer with right living conditions

Winter Egg layers:  No
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for:  not especially cold-hardy
one of the sweetest, loveliest and cuddliest pets in the whole wide world

Booted Bantam

 Used for:  Pet, Showbird
Yearly Egg Production:  120  eggs

Egg Color: Cream
Egg Size:  Extra

Temperament:    Sweet, Docile, Friendly

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-24 weeks

Is Booted Bantam Broody: Yes, go broody and make great mothers,

Lifespan of Booted Bantam: up to 10 years in right conditions.

Winter Egg layers:  No
Class: Avis,  tiny chicken Fowl
Best for: Sensitive to Cold

Barbu d’Everberg
Belgian Bantam

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:    100  eggs per year

Egg Color: white
Egg Size: 

Temperament:  very friendly bird, with a wonderful calm nature

When is Barbu d’Everberg  Ready to Lay Eggs: 160-200

Is Barbu d’Everberg Broody:   Yes, do go broody easily.

Lifespan of Barbu d’Everberg: 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No
Class:  Light
Best for: E
asily tamed and good birds for children due to their small size


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  175-250 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: large

Temperament:   Friendly

When is Basque Ready to Lay Eggs: 12 weeks

Is Basque Broody: Yes,  slightly broody

Lifespan of Basque:5 to 10 years

Winter Egg layers:  No, needs Warm climates
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for: Warm climates


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  
130 to 150 eggs

Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size: M
edium to Large

Temperament:   Friendly Disposition

When is Brahma Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 -24 weeks

Is Brahma Broody: Yes, (Often) Good Broody Hens

Lifespan of Brahma: 5 to 8 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes Especially cold-hardy
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for: All Temps


 Used for:  Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  180-200
eggs   eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: 
Small to Medium

Temperament:    Friendly towards people

When is Braekel Ready to Lay Eggs: 24-28 weeks

Is Braekel Broody: Rarely broody

Lifespan of Braekel : 6 to 7 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for: both
cold and heat-hardy


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:    up to 250 eggs per year

Egg Color: White
Egg Size:   Large

Temperament:   calm, even temperament toward humans. Active and Alert

When is Bresse Ready to Lay Eggs: 18 weeks

Is Bresse Broody: Yes, becomes broody

Lifespan of Bresse: 6 to 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for:
heat and cold tolerant


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   180 to 280 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament:   Active, yet gentle

When is Buckeye Ready to Lay Eggs: 24-28 weeks

Is Buckeye Broody:  Yes,  do become broody

Lifespan of Buckeye:  10 years or more

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for:  Especially Cold Hardy


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   140 to 180 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size:  S
mall to Medium

Temperament:  very active, alert, and flighty breed

When  is Buttercup Ready to Lay Eggs: 23-24 weeks.

Is Buttercup Broody:  Not-broody

Lifespan of Buttercup :  5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl and Small Bantam Fowl
Best for:
don’t like cold weather

California Gray

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  300 eggs in a year

Egg Color: white
Egg Size: 
Extra Large

Temperament:  flexible and friendly sociable, with a congenial nature

When is California Gray Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-24 weeks

Is California Gray Broody: Rarely go broody.

Lifespan of California Gray : 6-10 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: Hot and Cold (caution with both extremes)


 Used for:  Exhibition
Yearly Egg Production:   140 to 170 eggs

Egg Color:White
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Friendly, chatty, and inquisitive, but they dislike handling.

When is Campine Ready to Lay Eggs:  16 and 20 weeks

Is Campine Broody:  Rarely go broody,

Lifespan of Campine:  6 to 7 years

Winter Egg layers: No if cold
Class: : Large  Bantam Fowl
Best for:  Can tolerate some cold


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  175-250eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament:   Genital

When is Chantecler Ready to Lay Eggs: about 20 weeks old.

Is Chantecler Broody:  Can go broody

Lifespan of Chantecler:   8 –10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: Excels in a winter climate


 Used for:  Eggs, Ornamental, Pets
Yearly Egg Production:   100-170 eggs

Egg Color: light brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Docile, Cuddly, friendly, loving

When is Cochin Ready to Lay Eggs: 8 to 9 months old

Is Cochin Broody:  Inclined to broodiness

Lifespan of Cochin : 8-10 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes especially cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: Considered the best fowls for hatching and brooding ducks and turkeys.

Cornish Cross

 Used for:  Meat
Yearly Egg Production:   0 eggs, meat chicken

Egg Color: Non, meat chicken
Egg Size:  Non, meat chicken

Temperament:   Docile, Alert

When is Cornish Cross Ready to Lay Eggs: 23weeks

Is Cornish Cross Broody:   No, Reduced or eliminated

Lifespan of Cornish Cross : 8 to 10 years if in healthy  condition

Winter Egg layers:  No, meat chicken
Class: Large Fowl Meat chicken
Best for: Cornish Cross has exceptional feed conversion and growth rate.
Great Birds for Raising in Movable Chicken Tractors. They grow fast 6 weeks to Butchering.

Cream Legbar

 Used for: Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   
150 to 200 eggs per year.

Egg Color: light blue or light green eggs
Egg Size:  Medium

Temperament:   they are friendly birds, she got bossy to flock.

When is Cream Legbar Ready to Lay Eggs: 25 weeks

Is Cream Legbar Broody: Do not usually go broody

Lifespan of Cream Legbar: 5 to 10 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
medium-sized large fowl
Best for: Some Cream Legbars actually lay white eggs and not green or blue egg. some hens are poor layers in winter

Croad Langshan

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 
150 to 200 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament:   Strong, intelligent and active birds, docile and easily tamed

When is Croad Langshan Ready to Lay Eggs: 24 to 28 months

Is Croad Langshan Broody:  Make great broodies and mums

Lifespan of Croad Langshan: 8  years or more

Winter Egg layers: Yes best laying is in winter. Heat hurts them.
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: Winter layers


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   175 to 250 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Large to Jumbo

Temperament:   Gentle with people; Assertive with other chickens but not bullies

When is Delawares Ready to Lay Eggs:  20-22 weeks

Is Delawares Broody:  Will go broody

Lifespan of Delawares: 5-7 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes
Class:  Medium sized Fowl
Best for:  Fast growth; can be eaten at any age


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   180 to 240 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Docile, Alert

When is Dominique Ready to Lay Eggs: 26 weeks old.

Is Dominique Broody: Often go broody

Lifespan of Dominiqu:  5-8 years.

Class:  Large Fowl

Winter Egg layers: Yes
Best for: said to be America’s oldest chicken breed. If you live in a colder climate and are looking for a dependable egg layer then look no further


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   
170-190 eggs

Egg Color: White to Cream
Egg Size: Medium to Large

Temperament:   Calm and gentle

When is Dorking Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 to 24 weeks

Is DorkingBroody:  Will go broody

Lifespan of Dorking: 7 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Medium  Bantam Fowl
Best for: Winter layer, good forager

Dutch Bantam

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:  150 to 160 eggs

Egg Color: White to Light Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   docile temperament

When is Dutch Bantam Ready to Lay Eggs:  20-24 weeks

Is Dutch Bantam Broody:  Will easily go broody

Lifespan of Dutch Bantam:   4-8 years under right condition’s, some live to 15 years

Winter Egg layers:  No
Class:Medium Bantam Fowl
Best for: Not
cold-hardy. Dutch Bantams would also make excellent pets

Easter egger

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 
up to 280 eggs a year

Egg Color: blue to green to olive to aqua and sometimes even pinkish.
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Friendly, docile temperament. They are curious

When is Easter egger Ready to Lay Eggs: 30 -32 weeks

Is Easter egger Broody:  Rarely goes broody,

Lifespan of Easter egger:  5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Medium  Fowl
Best for:
cold-hardy, different color of eggs

Egyptian Fayoumi

 Used for:  Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  150–205

Egg Color: Off-white or tinted
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Active and lively, flighty, fast, and will scream if captured

When is Egyptian Fayoumi Ready to Lay Eggs: 18 weeks

Is Egyptian Fayoumi Broody:  Not given to broodiness

Lifespan of Egyptian Fayoumi:   5–8 years 

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Medium Bantam Fowl
Best for:  Egyptian Fayoumi have reputation as a good free range predator resistant chicken to raise on your farm or acreage.


 Used for:  eggs, meat, and ornamentation
Yearly Egg Production: 
180 to 240

Egg Color: Light brown to cream
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Docile and active, most enjoy being lap-chickens

When is Faverolles Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks old

Is FaverollesBroody:  Occasionally go broody

Lifespan of Faverolles:  5 to 7 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Large Bantam Fowl

Gingernut Rarganger

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   to 320 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:  very friendly hen

When is Gingernut Rarganger Ready to Lay Eggs:  21 weeks

Is Gingernut Rarganger Broody: No, never been broody

Lifespan of Gingernut Rarganger :  2 to 6 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for:  Gingernut Ranger  great egg layers, even in the winter

Golden Laced Wyandotte

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   200 eggs

Egg Color: light brown
Egg Size:  Medium

Temperament:   Docile with their keepers

When is Golden Laced WyandotteReady to Lay Eggs:  20 weeks

Is Golden Laced Wyandotte Broody:  Strong broody tendencies

Lifespan of Golden Laced Wyandotte:  6-12 years. Depends on living conditions

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
large Fowl
Best for: Winter laying, They don’t tolerate any other bird trying to peck them or pick on them

Golden Comet

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:    to 320 eggs

Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size:  Medium to large

Temperament:   Docile and gentle

When is Golden Comet Ready to Lay Eggs:  19 weeks

Is Golden CometBroody:  No,  do not generally go broody

Lifespan of Golden Comet : 5-7 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Smaller  Fowl
Best for: F
inest brown egg layers available today

Gold Legbar

 Used for:  Pet & eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   150-200 eggs

Egg Color: Light blue or Green, White
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Friendly

When is Gold Legbar Ready to Lay Eggs:  Its first egg at 22 weeks

Is Gold Legbar Broody: Some might from time to time

Lifespan of Gold Legbar: 5  to 10 years depending on living conditions

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for:
Legbars are friendly, easily handled, good layers, and one of the most highly sought after–and rarest–breeds in this country


 Used for:  Eggs, Ornamental
Yearly Egg Production:  120-225  eggs

Egg Color:  White
Egg Size: 
Small to Medium

Temperament:   Very Active

When is HamburgReady to Lay Eggs: 22 weeks

Is Hamburg Broody: They do not become broody

Lifespan of Hamburg: 6-10 years depending on living conditions

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Medium Fowl
Best for: Flighty, roosts in trees; winter hardy, good at avoiding predators


 Used for:  Eggs, Meat
Yearly Egg Production:   180  eggs

Egg Color: White to Cream or Light Brown
Egg Size: 
Small to Medium

Temperament:   Lively, curious, and independent.

When is Icelandic Ready to Lay Eggs: 22 weeks

Is Icelandic Broody: Some will go Broody

Lifespan of Icelandic:    up to 15 years in a secure conditions 

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class:  Smaller Fowl
Best for: Very hardy active forager,

iSA Brown

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:  300+ eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:   Large

Temperament:   Friendly, sweet and docile nature

When is iSA Brown Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks

Is iSA Brown Broody:  Yes,  can become broody

Lifespan of iSA Brown:  3-4 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes
Class: M
edium Fowl
Best for: Can thrive in both hot and cold climates.


 Used for:  Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  215  eggs

Egg Color: White to Off white
Egg Size: 

Temperament:  Active & Friendly

When is Jaerhon Ready to Lay Eggs: 6 weeks

Is Jaerhon Broody:  Not known as a broody,

Lifespan of Jaerhon: 5 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for:  All Climate


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   180 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament:   docile and friendly birds, both to humans and to other chickens.

When is Java Ready to Lay Eggs: 24 weeks

Is Java Broody:  Hens are broody

Lifespan of  Java: 5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No, Cold tolerance: Poor
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: well-suited for both meat and egg production

Jersey  Giants

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production: 
150-200 egg

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament:   Jersey Giants are friendly, docile birds

When is Jersey  Giants Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks

Is Jersey  Giants Broody:  Yes,  will go broody

Lifespan of Jersey  Giants: 6 to 10 years

Winter Egg layers:  No, Cold tolerance: Poor
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: Jersey Giants can make really great pets for children.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   150-180  eggs

Egg Color: white or tinted
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   good-natured. They are active foragers and hardy birds

When is Kraienkoppe Ready to Lay Eggs:  22-28 weeks

Is Kraienkoppe Broody:  Will go broody

Lifespan of Kraienkoppe :  8-18 years  all depending on living conditions

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class: Medium Fowl
Best for:  Kraienkoppe lays even in cold weather.


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   150 eggs

Egg Color: White to tinted
Egg Size: 
Small to Medium

Temperament:   Active – good foragers, can be flighty.

When is Lakenvelder Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-28 weeks

Is Lakenvelder Broody:  Hens are not broody

Lifespan of Lakenvelder: s 6 to 8 years and longer in right conditions

Winter Egg layers:  No
Class:   Small Fowl.
Best for: Lakenvelders are best suited to free range situations where predator resistant chickens are necessary. D
o well in most climates, but aren’t fond of cold weather


 Used for:  Meat Eggs,Exhibition
Yearly Egg Production:  150 – 200 eggs

Egg Color: Dark Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Langshan chickens are relatively calm and rarely show aggressive

When is  Langshan Ready to Lay Eggs:  24-28 weeks

Is  Langshan Broody:  Are not particularly broody.

Lifespan of  Langshan: 10 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for: Hardy in winter

Lavender Orpington

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   170 to 200 eggs

Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size:  Medium

Temperament:  Clam and Friendly large fluffy, friendly hen

When is Lavender Orpington Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-28 weeks

Is Lavender Orpington Broody:  Known to be broody

Lifespan of Lavender Orpington:  8-10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: Lavender Orpington are h
ealthy, cold hardy, and not very demanding. They’re quiet chickens too.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   280-320 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: 
Large to Ex Large

Temperament:   Intelligent and noisy

When is Leghorn Ready to Lay Eggs: 17 weeks

Is LeghornBroody:  No, not exhibiting the maternal behaviour

Lifespan of Leghorn :  4-6 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes,
Class: Medium Fowl
Best for: Leghorn an intelligent and resourceful bird and will find much of its own food if allowed to range
They lay well into their third or fourth year too.
Leghorn chickens tend to be hardy, so most will survive the cold. However, the single comb variety may get frostbite.

Light Brahma

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  200 eggs

Egg Color:  Brown
Egg Size:   Medium

Temperament:   gentle and easily handled.

When is Light Brahma Ready to Lay Eggs: 24-28 weeks

Is Light Brahma Broody:  Hens tend to go broody

Lifespan of Light Brahma:   5 and 8 years.

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy –
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for:  G
reat for cold weather


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   150-200 eggs

Egg Color:  Chocolate to Russet Brown
Egg Size:   Medium

Temperament:   Friendly

When is Marans Ready to Lay Eggs:  24-26 weeks

Is Marans Broody:  Maybe, occasionally go broody some Never

Lifespan of Marans:   8 year . Keep laying till 6th year.

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for: Comfortable with cold weather


 Used for:  Egg, Show and Ornamental
Yearly Egg Production:   170 to 220 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size:Large

Temperament:  Friendly, Flighty, Very Active, Docile, Shy

When is Menorca Ready to Lay Eggs: 26 weeks

Is Menorca Broody:  Are not broody

Lifespan of Menorc:a:  8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: They don’t like being picked up/handled, but will eat out of your hand

Marsh Daisy

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs, Pet
Yearly Egg Production:   200 to 250 eggs

Egg Color: Cream to Light Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   so gentle and easy to handle

When is Marsh Daisy Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks

Is Marsh DaisyBroody:  Rarely go broody.

Lifespan of Marsh Daisy:  7–10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Small Fowl
Best for: hardy breed, Great pets for Children.

New Hampshire Red

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:   150 to 220 eggs

Egg Color: CChocolate to Russet Brown
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament:   friendly personality

When is New Hampshire Red Ready to Lay Eggs:  20 to 30 weeks

Is New Hampshire RedBroody:  Prone to go broody

Lifespan of New Hampshire Red:  7 to 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not Winter Egg layers: 

No not especially cold-hardy

Frostbite prone Don’t enjoy handling
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: warmer climate.

 Olive Egger

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs, Pet
Yearly Egg Production:   200 to 250 eggs

Egg Color: Olive green to mossy or khaki green hue
Egg Size: 
Medium  to Large

Temperament:   Friendly and curious, relatively calm and easygoing

When is Olive Egger Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 -24 weeks

Is Olive Egger Broody:  Rarely go broody

Lifespan of Olive Egger :  5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class: Medium Fowl
Best for: H
ardy and adaptable to a wide range of climates including both hot and cold weather

Old English Game

 Used for: Meat or OrnamentalO
Yearly Egg Production:   160 to 180 eggs

Egg Color: cream, tinted
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Aggressive and noisy bird

When is Old English Game Ready to Lay Eggs:  22 weeks old

Is Old English Game Broody:  Usually show broodiness

Lifespan of Old English Game:  15 years or more.

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:Medium Fowl
Best for: C
an tolerate cold, but do not do well in hot climate.

Buff Orpington hen


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:  175 – 200 eggs

Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size: 
Medium to large

Temperament:   very friendly with their keepers, gentle and peaceful hen

When is Buff Orpington Ready to Lay Eggs:  24 weeks

Is Buff Orpington Broody:   Go broody relatively often,

Lifespan of Buff Orpington :  5 to 10 years  depend on living conditions

Winter Egg layers:  Yes,cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: Good With Children, Cold Hardy in winter.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  200 eggs

Egg Color: Chocolate
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Active, avoids human contact

When is Penedesenca Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-24 weeks.

Is Penedesenca Broody:  Normaly not broody

Lifespan of Penedesenca: 5-8 years or longer if good living conditons

Winter Egg layers:  No not cold-hardy
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: The hens run away at the sight of children, but the roosters might try to attack them.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   150 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: Medium

Temperament:   Polish chickens are calm, gentle, friendly, and active birds

When is Polish Ready to Lay Eggs:  24 weeks

Is Polish Broody:  Rarely go broody

Lifespan of Polish : 6 to 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Medium Fowl
Best for:  kid friendly, docile and pretty quiet.
prefer a dry, warm climate,

Plymouth Rock

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:  200-250 eggss

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: Medium to large

Temperament:   sweet, calm, and docile – even the roosters

When is Plymouth Rock Ready to Lay Eggs:  20 weeks

Is Plymouth Rock Broody:  Quite likely to go broody

Lifespan of Plymouth Rock:  6-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: 


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs, Ornamental
Yearly Egg Production:   150 to 200 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   not the most friendly, they are hardy and active

When is Redcap Ready to Lay Eggs:  22 weeks

Is Redcap Broody:  Do not usually go broody

Lifespan of Redcap: 10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:   Large  Fowl
Best for:  Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter, . They are excellent free-range birds. Note. Not good at setting on eggs.,

 Red Sex Link

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs,
Yearly Egg Production:  250-300eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   very active chickens, with moderately docile personalities.

When is Red Sex Link Ready to Lay Eggs: 17 or 18 weeks

Is  Red Sex Link Broody:  Broodiness genes have been mostly bred out of them

Lifespan of  Red Sex Link : 2 or 3 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:   Large  Fowl
Best for:  Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter

Rhode Island Red

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, show bird
Yearly Egg Production:  310 eggs

Egg Color: Brown
Egg Size:  XLarge

Temperament:   Docile, easygoing

When is Rhode Island Red Ready to Lay Eggs: 16 weeks

Is Rhode Island Red Broody:  Mostly bred out of them.

Lifespan of Rhode Island Red : 5-8 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for: Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter

Rumpless Araucana

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:  170-180  eggs

Egg Color: Blue, Green
Egg Size: Large

Temperament:  friendly and docile

When is Rumpless Araucana Ready to Lay Eggs:  20-24 weeks of age

Is Rumpless AraucanaBroody:  Do go broody

Lifespan of Rumpless Araucana:  6-8 years.

Winter Egg layers: Yes,  cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: winter hardy

Silver Spangled Hamburg

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   
200 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: Medium

Temperament:  wild, spirited, and, most notably, beautiful

When is SIlver Spangled Hamburg Ready to Lay Eggs: 20-24 weeks

Is Silver Spangled Hamburg Broody:  Can occasionally go broody.

Lifespan of Silver Spangled Hamburg:  8 years

Winter Egg layers: Yes
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for: Cold hardy,  t
hey do not like confinement, Silver Spangleds are high fliers and can jump fences and enclosures


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   
60–80 eggs

Egg Color: Cream
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   friendly, active and social bird. Roosters are not aggressive, somewhat skittish birds

When is Sebright Ready to Lay Eggs:  16-22 weeks

Is Sebright Broody:   Rarely go brood

Lifespan of Sebright:  8-12 years.

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class:  Tiny Small Fowl
Best for: All Climates,  SEBRIGHT are Friendly, Easily Handled, Shy, Flighty, Bears Confinement Well

True Bantam the smallest chicken in the world

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:  180 to 200 eggs

Egg Color: Cream and Brown
Egg Size:  Tiny,

Temperament:  Serama look feisty, they are a sweet and frie ndly breed

When is Serama Ready to Lay Eggs:  35 weeks of age

Is Serama Broody:  Serama hens will go broody

Lifespan of Serama:  8 or 9 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not cold-hardy
Class:  Tiny Small Fowl
Best for: Serama are Smallest chicken in the world.
They eat less food than larger breed, they do not tolerate cold temperatures.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, Pets, Show Bird
Yearly Egg Production: 100-120  eggs

Egg Color: Cream
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Silkie are docile, gentle and tolerant,  make great family pets

When is Silkie Ready to Lay Eggs: 28 weeks

Is Silkie Broody:  Most broody of the chicken breeds,

Lifespan of Silkie: 8 or 9 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes,  cold-hardy
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for: Sillkie generally accepted to be a cold hardy chicken breed

Swedish Black Hen

 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 250 eggs

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: 

Temperament: Swedish Black Hen, affectionate and generally laid back

When is Swedish Black Hen Ready to Lay Eggs:  24 weeks

Is Swedish Black Hen Broody:  Like to go broody

Lifespan of Swedish Black Hen:   5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Smaller Fowl
Best for: Swedish Black Hen good at free-ranging.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, Poultry Shows
Yearly Egg Production:   180 to 280 eggs

Egg Color: Chalk White
Egg Size: 

Temperament: Spanish hens are active, noisy, curious, esteemed aristocrats, flighty and vocal birds

When is Spanish Ready to Lay Eggs: 18- 22 weeks

Is Spanish Broody:  Considered non-broody

Lifespan of Spanish Hen:  5-8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: Spanish
poultry shows, eggs


 Used for:  Meat, Eggs
Yearly Egg Production: 
100 eggs

Egg Color: White or lightly tinted
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   skittish, nervous

When is Sumatra Ready to Lay Eggs: 18 weeks

Is Sumatra Broody:  Can get broody

Lifespan of Sumatr:   7-9 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not cold-hardy, prefers to live in a warm climate.
Class:  Smaller Fowl
Best for: Sumatra avoids preditors, Sumatra’s ability to fly better than most chicken breeds making them, a tremendous free-range chicken.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production: 
180 to 320 eggs

Egg Color: Cream to Light Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Sussex are calm breed that can adapt to any surroundings and be quite tame and friendly

When is Sussex Ready to Lay Eggs: Around 24 weeks

Is Sussex Broody:  Yes, a broody breed

Lifespan of Sussex :  8+ years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for:
Sussex are a great breed if you want eggs all year around.


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:  to 280 eggs

Egg Color: Chestnut Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:   Speckled Hybrid is a docile, easily handled bird

When is Speckled Hybrid Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks

Is  Speckled Hybrid Broody:  Not a broody breed

Lifespan of Speckled Hybrid : 2 to 4 years

Winter Egg layers:  No not especially cold-hardy
Class: Large Fowl
Best for: Not a pure breed. They look the same as the Marans but they have a higher capability of egg production and good winter layers. They are friendly and easy-to-handle birds.

Turken (Naked Neck)

 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production: 
250-300 eggs

Egg Color: Light Brown
Egg Size: 

Temperament:  Turken are easygoing and easily tamed

When is Turken (Naked Neck) Ready to Lay Eggs: 22 weeks

Is Turken (Naked Neck) Broody:   Have been known to go broody.

Lifespan of Turken (Naked Neck)  8-10 years


 Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   160 – 190 eggs

Egg Color: Cream/Tinted
Egg Size:  Medium

Temperament:   Vorwerks are alert and active and generally docile and genital.

Ready to Lay Eggs: 22 weeks

Do Vorwerk Blue become Broody: No, not known for going broody

Known to live,  5 to 10 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for: Vorwerk chickens are fast-growing, strong, medium-sized birds, they lay eggs through the winter.


Used for:  Meat Eggs, family pet
Yearly Egg Production:   
150-200 eggs

Egg Color: Deep brown eggs that are often speckled
Egg Size: Medium to Large

Temperament:  Welsummer a  friendly, intelligent, and easily handled bird

Ready to Lay Eggs: around 22 weeks of age

Do Welsummer Blue become Broody: Yes, broody behaviour, predominantly in the springtime

Known to Live:   9-13 years

Winter Egg layers:  No,  cold-hardy Yes.
Class:  Medium Fowl
Best for: 
Welsummer during the winter months stops laying until the days begin to lengthen. Welsummer chicken breed is very hardy and can do well in both heat and cold weather.

Whiting True Blue

 Used for:  Meat Eggs,
Yearly Egg Production: 
280-300 eggs

Egg Color: Powder Blue or “army” green eggs
Egg Size:  Large

Temperament: Whiting True Blue are polite and respectful birds

Ready to Lay Eggs:  begin laying at 20 weeks

Do Whiting True Blue become Broody: No, Not very likely

How long do Whiting True Blue live: Lifespan, 5 to 10 years.

Winter Egg layers:  Yes, cold-hardy
Class:  Midum Fowl
Best for:  Whiting True Blue really interesting about there eggs is that they are blue all the way through


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:    330 per year

Egg Color: White
Egg Size: 

Temperament:    Very inquisitive, intelligent hens

Ready to Lay Eggs: 17 weeks

Do White Star Hybrid become Broody: Not broody

Lifespan of White Star Hybrid:  2-3 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes,  not especially cold-hardy
Class Medium Fowl
Best for: Wattle becoming a problem due to frostbite. So warm area.
White star is the smallest of the hybrid layers but, lays the biggest eggs


 Used for:  Meat Eggs
Yearly Egg Production:    175-250 eggs

Egg Color:Brown
Egg Size: Medium

Temperament:   Calm and Easy Going

Ready to Lay Eggs: 20 weeks

Do Wyandotte become Broody: Yes, Have strong broody tendencies

Lifespan of Wyandotte:  6-12 years

Winter Egg layers:  Yes
Class:  Large Fowl
Best for:


 Used for:   Exhibition / Ornamental
Yearly Egg Production:  80 – 100  eggs per year

Egg Color: Cream / Lightly tinted
Egg Size: 

Temperament:  docile nature, these Yokohama chickens make particularly good pets,

Ready to Lay Eggs: 26+ weeks

Do Yokohama become Broody:  Yes broody after about 12-14 eggs laid.

Lifespan of Yokohama:  6 to 8 years

Winter Egg layers:  No
Class:  Smaller Bantam Fowl
Best for: Warm Area, The Yokohama do not fare well in the cold.
These Yokohama chickens are not suited to free-ranging due to their being bred for show

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